THE AIKEN SMILE -- Amazing_CA featured a photo by Tiggy52winkle in this handsome graphic of singer Clay Aiken.
#1 Track at AOL Music
Clay Aiken's OMWH Hits Charts
On My Way Here is slowly, but steadily charting its way here on important spin listings, countdowns, and most played lineups. Not only is the lead single, "On My Way Here," ranked #27 with 101 spins on Mediabase, but the song is also #29 on this week's Radio & Records/Billlboard AC Chart.
In addition, the "Ashes" Sessions video owned the #2 position on the AOL Top 11 Countdown while "Everything I "Don't Need" was #7 early Thursday morning. Not far behind were "Where I Draw the Line," #15, and "On My Way Here," #21.
For days, "On My Way Here" has been the most-played song at AOL. Thursday morning other highly-rated OMWH tracks in the most played category were "Ashes," #3; "Everything I Don't Need," #7; "Falling," #21; "As Long As We're Here," 34; "Lover All Alone," #38; and "Where I Draw the Line," #45.
Saturday morning OMWH songs on the first two pages included "On My Way Here", #1; "Ashes," #3; "Everything I Don't Need," #10; "Falling," #21; "As Long As We're Here," #28; and "Something About Us," #44.
The AOL song listing, which includes 497 singles, changes constantly.
New Fans Give CD Props
Repeatedly, listeners -- many admittedly new fans -- have given OMWH props for its moving lyrics, Clay's unparalleled voice, and the CD's variety. They have wondered when they will hear the songs on the radio. These are some examples:
1. The songs have powerful lyrics and variety -- slow ballads to upbeat songs.
2. OMWH has everything from green-eyed soul (Everything I Don't Need) to up-tempo songs (Ashes, etc.). It should definitely have a single on the radio for everyone to hear.
3. The words moved me, and the voice is unparalleled. When can I hear these songs on the radio?
4. A friend introduced me to this artist and CD. Thanks, friend. Have listened to three of the songs, am buying, and will wait eagerly for the next offering from him. Don't know why I haven't heard him on radio.
5. I was introduced to this album and love every song. It has something for my ever mood. I declare myself a Clay fan from now on.
6. I have been stuck on these songs for the better part of three days now. Every time I am at the computer, I MUST play them.
7. When I first heard the snippets of this album, I couldn't believe it was Clay Aiken! Then after hearing the songs full length, I still had the same reaction and that's only because the entire album is just really good.
There's so much variety that its hard to pick a favorite, although I'd pick "Falling," "Where I Draw the Line," "Ashes," and "Everything I Don't Need" as something people would be surprised to hear. First album of Clay Aiken's that I've purchased. He has an amazing voice.
To view the AOL and Yahoo videos, as well as listen to OMWH songs at AOL, use the links below. To rate the videos and songs, register/login at the sites, something CA fans really know how to do!
* Five-song video performance at AOL Sessions.
* Audio song tracks at AOL Music.
* The OMWH video at Yahoo Music.
PHOTO INTERLUDE: Featured in this clickable interlude are four graphic artists, including Amazing_CA, photo by ShineinNC, 1; Ambassador of Love, 2; Amazing_CA, photo by Scrpkym, 3; Cindilu2, 4; and Claysmelody, 5.
Hannah Praises Clay on ABC
Hannah Waddingham, who debuted in Broadway's "Spamalot" the same night as Clay, spoke with ABC the night of his final performance.
When asked about Clay, the Lady of the Lake said, "He has been absolutely extraordinary. I can't believe he has never done a show at all, let alone Broadway. He is so funny, naturally funny, and a great actor."
To view, see SPAMALOT.
Taiwan OMWH Cover by SmartyPantsSuz
Blog Welcomes 9 New Countries
Periodically, we welcome visitors from new countries; and today we send special greetings to first-time readers in Slovakia, Bulgaria, Brunei, Qatar, Taipei, Taiwan, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, and Bermuda.
All told, visitors from 70 countries have visited the Carolina blog in the months since the Feedjit Live Feed and ClustrMap were added to the sidebar. By continent, they include:
ASIA: Guam, Hong Kong-China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Micronesia, Oman, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Qatar, South Korea, Taipei, Taiwan, Vietnam
AFRICA: South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Madagascar, Seychelles
EUROPE: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Romania, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Slovakia, Bulgaria
NORTH AMERICA: Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, United States, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Bermuda
SOUTH AMERICA: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela
AUSTRALIA: Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania
With special thanks to SmartyPantsSuz, OMWH cover photos of these countries (like Taiwan above) will be added to Carolina On My Mind Special.
Did the Monkey Mail Come?
Did the Monkey Mail come? Well, whose it from? ... Twinkle and Wayne from Higglytown Heroes up next! ... Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!!!
That's how the day begins for Kai and his Grandma Caro. We actually received some fun "monkey mail" Wednesday -- three snuggly toys from Sally. Much to Kai's delight, a special sqeeze starts a colorful chicken enroute to his open arms. The fact that it wobbles to the strains of "The Easter Parade" matters not one bit.
In addition, Kai has visited his cousins in nearby High Point to play, watch T-ball games, and splash in a pool. To beat the heat at Grandma Caro's, he has his own plastic swimming pool that will eventually make the trip home.
The clickable photos below reflect Kai's play dates with his five-year-old twin cousins (he thinks he's their age); discovering that grass can be really thick and green, something new for this eight-month-old West Texan; showing off his Easter chick toy -- and gumming -- for the camera in his new pool.
Tuesday Kai, his mother, and I ate lunch at Bravo's with a gift certificate from two violin students. I was able to watch firsthand how the little guy charms everyone walking by. He really does seem to have flirting down at eight months.
Below is a clickable of Amazing_CA 's opening graphic:
RELATED TAGS: Clay Aiken, On My Way Here, Ashes, Everything I Don't Need, Where I Draw the Line, Falling, As Long As We're Here, Lover All Alone, AOL Sessions, AOL Music, Yahoo Music, Hannah Waddington, Spamalot, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
as always, VERY NICE!!!! and yes, he's still the one. Love OMWH (have now given it to three people - all three are now fans).
It's such a delight watching Kai discover the world through Mama's excellent photography.
I especially liked the one with his hand in the grass.
Beautiful blog!!!
Makes me miss him even more, as if that's possible!
Loooove the opening graphic!
Kai is so adorable! It's easy to see in the pictures that he is a master flirt. You must be having a blast with him and his mom visiting.
Thanks for tipping me off to the Kai-lights. He is just a charmer! I like the grass picture, too.
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