ON MY WAY HERE - Cindilu2 created an exquisite graphic of this Clay Aiken photo from the OMWH album shoot.
Spring Calendar Overload
Recital, Visit Vie with Aiken Blog
NOTE: Site links and Sendspace downloads for OMWH snippets added!
For days I have been receiving little hints suggesting my calendar might be a bit off. Anyone who reads here regularly knows that a new blog usually uploads every 3-4 days.
Real life and my Clay Aiken fan membership, which normally co-exist in parallel accord like the musical harmony I teach, have suddenly collided in consummate calendar gridlock.
Not only are there five weeks remaining before my students' annual spring recital, but three days later my house has to be immaculate and rid of my many "living alone" habits for my grandson Kai's very first visit. The trail of boxes I walk around daily must finally relocate; and the kitchen table, for years a repository of this and that, will need to once again see the light of day.
You could say that staying in tune with the latest news about Clay Aiken's upcoming CD, On My Way Here, and his final days as Sir Robin in "Spamalot" have met their match in my corner.
Fan anticipation for the May 6 arrival of OMWH, Clay's first CD to feature original material since his debut album, Measure of a Man, is off the charts.
With the announcement of May promo appearances on the horizon, Internet fans are engaged in various forms of viral marketing (see previous entry). Not only are they sharing the lead single and webisode links with others, but they are also hitting each site as part of their daily "buzz" routine.
Amazon and Walmart Cover Photos (clickable)
Mark Your Calendar
April 28: Clay will perform and take album pre-orders on QVC at 7 p.m. EDT, hosted by Jacque Gonzales. New info on QVC's five-track bonus CD can be read here.
April 29: Digital download of "OMWH" will be available from Amazon as the single goes to radio.
Now: Preorder OMWH at Walmart to receive an exclusive bonus track ("Forget I Ever Knew You").
May 6: Album goes on sale in brick and mortar stores.
May 12: Jay Leno Show
May 16: Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC).
OMWH #1 Song at AOL Music
Fans Stream, Share Sites
Internet fans are doing their part by sharing and streaming the lead single and webisodes from a variety of sites. The 57k Popeater streams gave OMWH the #1 position at AOL Music for the week of 4/4 - 4/10.
Here is a list if you would like to add the sites to your daily routine:
OMWH Single - Clay's My Space, Gupta Media, Popeater, Clear Channel Radio
OMWH Album Snippets - OMWH (Slovenian website). Special thanks to CV members ncwannabe and Invisible926 for the originals of these Sendspace downloads: Snippets (WAV) and Samples (mp3).
Here are Sendspace downloads from ClayIzzaQT with longer mp3 excerpts from Canada's Fido Music Store arranged in the Walmart CD order: Excerpts 1 (loops twice, includes Slovenian LAL) and Excerpts 2 (twice through, all Canadian).
SONG LIST: On My Way Here, Ashes, Everything I Don’t Need, Something About Us, Falling, Where I Draw the Line, The Real Me, Weight of the World, As Long As We’re Here, Sacrificial Love, Lover All Alone
YOU TUBE SNIPPETS: The OMWH excerpts have also been uploaded to YouTube.
OMWH Recording: Video of Clay in the recording studio at Amazon.
OMWH Webisodes - Clay's YouTube Page, Producer/Creating the Album webisdoes; Popeater, Producer webisode; MP3, Creating the Album webisode; Gupta Music, Producer/Creating the Album webisodes; Broadway World, Spamalot webisode
Clear Channel radio video vaults contian the Producer/Creating the Album/Spamalot webisodes, so check your local station's website.
OMWH Widgets - ClayAiken.com Widget to be added to My Space or other web pages; CD Countdown Widget by Roseviolet; and Pixieglitter's countdown widgets for PC and MAC.
Miscellaneous - Mozes: Link to receive mobile phone text updates and content from Clay.
Dial 919.883.5111 with your cell phone, and you will hear Clay with a reminder that the album is coming out May 6. The site will text you back. If you join, you will be directed to Mozes for further messages.
From bamintx at Clayversity, here's a result to applaud:
One of my coworkers listens to our Top 40 station all day. She liked Clay on AI, loves his voice but lost interest after that. Today I let her listen to the snippet of "On My Way Here" that plays when you dial "Clay"'s number.
She loves it and listened several times! She said, "Well, finally I'll get to hear him on the radio." I told her they were going to release it to AC, and she said, "Why? It would be great on Top 40." From her mouth to RCA's ear!
Slide Show Features Fan Art
A slide show of 34 handsome graphics created by Clay fans provides this blog's interlude of art. Both links feature designs by Sally, Amazing_CA, Ambassador of Love, Clayquebec1, ABeautifulMind, j4clay, Cindilu2, Claysmelody, MNmeesh, DangHesHot, Claystruck, BettyJean, and Artz11.
The graphic by Sally links to the show in a fading view, and the closing graphic by Amazing_CA links to a gallery view.
Graphic by Sally links to slide show/fading view.
Graphic by Amazing_CA links to slide show/gallery view.
SPAM Fans Support 'Broadway Cares'
"Spamalot" is pulling out the stops to raise money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
According to Jaymes Foster-Levy, Clay's executive producer, the "Spamalot" cast hopes to win Broadway's "Easter Bonnet" competition for the most money raised this time around. The Jersey Boys Touring Company won the previous challenge during which a total of $3,345.997 was raised. "Spamalot" has never won.
Sir Robin's Chickens Net $7,000
In her OFC post, Jaymes hinted there would be "surprise opportunities" at every performance for the next two weeks. Following Tuesday's performance, for a $200 donation, credit cards accepted, several audience members had their picture taken with Clay and Rick Holmes (Sirs Robin and Lancelot) and Tom Deckman (Prince Herbert).
On Wednesday night, the photo price was up to $300. Clay auctioned off two autographed Sir Robin chickens (plus a hug and kiss) for $3,500 each.
Several items are being auctioned at Ebay, including Clay's "Spamalot" costume, tickets to the show and a champagne toast with Clay, dinner with Clay and "Spamalot" cast members, and a walk-on role in "Spamalot."
Additionally, supporters can make a donation through Spamalot's Easter Bonnet site. The goal there is $2,500, and the gage is currently registering 66%.
Something tells me these folks have yet to comprehend the fundraising gusto of Clay's fans and Sir Robin's innate skills in this arena!
Spring Alters Practice Routines
With its pleasant, inviting temperatures, Spring is annually greeted by young sports enthusiasts and all who enjoy being outddors. At the same time, the season can play havoc with music practice routines.
Keeping 20 students in full rehearsal mode through our May 18 recital has this teacher making deals, pulling strings and tactics out of mid-air, maybe even a few strands of her own hair.
Ever the optimist, I am sure all solos, duets, and ensembles will be polished. Our program will include compositions from the four main periods of music -- Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary -- with performances by pianists, violinists, a violist, flautist, and an oboist. One piano student will perform his own composition.
The string-wind ensemble will open the program with Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2. They will be joined by younger string students for a concert trio and Dona Nobis Pacem. We will close the recital with an Irish fiddle tune medley and, hopefully, some toe-tapping by those in attendance.
Kai kissing Kaimana
Graphic by Sally
Three days after the recital, grandson Kai, accompanied by his mother, will take his first airplane ride. The NC branch of our family is excited, and spring cleaning is well underway. The Kaimana duck, a gift from a friend in Hawaii, means "ocean" and "strong," just like my grandson's name.
Below is a clickable of Cindilu2's opening graphic:
Have a wonderful week, Clay Nation!
RELATED TAGS: Clay Aiken, On My Way Here, ClayAiken.com, viral marketing, QVC Shopping Network, Spamalot, Broadway Cares, Spring Recital, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
1 comment:
Hi Caro,
I'm reading your blog and I'm getting very tired myself thinking of everything that you have to accompolish before the arrival of Kai. Wouldn't it be nice to be like Samatha from bewitched and wiggle your nose and the task would be done? On top of everything else we have a major overload of Clay news these last few weeks. I am certainly not complaining though, but rather relishing this overload of news.
There is never such a thing as too much Clay news in this fandom.
What a cute picture of Kai with his Kaimana. He sure is putting on the weight and looks so huggable.
As you may have of heard, our Senators did not show up during the Stanley Cup playoffs and got beatup by the Pittsburgh Penquins who took them to the cleaners in four straight games. We had some of our star players out with injuries that didn't help but it just goes to show what a difference a year makes.
I think I am going to ask my future daughter in-law if we can play "Something About Us" at their wedding in May. I am such a romantist at heart and from the snippet that I've heard this song has touched my heart already.
Have a great week!
Sandy :)
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