TRIED & TRUE PREVIEW: Singer Clay Aiken previewed the 2011 Winter Tour at a benefit concert in Chicago in October. The graphic design by AmazingCA with photo by PermaSwooned is double-clickable.
Kick-Off for Tried & True Tour
Fans Request UM on A/C Radio
With the 22-city Tried & True Tour slated to open in Miami, FL, on Feb. 10, Clay Aiken fans are lining up requests for "Unchained Melody," popular track on the T&T CD, at Adult Contemporary radio stations throughout the country.
Already a favorite from the singer's 2003 run on American Idol, "Unchained Melody" was arranged especially for Clay by Ben Cohen and has become his signature song on the Decca June 2010 Tried & True release.
Unchained Melody
Double Clickable
UM, which fits the AC format like a glove, was performed by Clay during CD promotional appearances in June. Below is video from The View.
Clay Aiken Performs UM on 'The View.'
View video full screen at YouTube.
Unless WMAG reads the Carolina blog, the station is in for a sweet surprise this week. To the delight of the Winston-Greensboro Wrapping for Inclusion team, this radio station frequently programmed Clay's "O Holy Night" during their sessions.
As a special "thank you" from WFI wrappers georgiesmybaby, FearofH2O, and Scarlett, a tin of Christie's Cookies with the National Inclusion Project logo will be delivered to 99.5 WMAG Radio Thursday. The NIP charity was co-founded by Clay and Diane Bubel in July 2003.
Logical next step for Clay Aiken fans in the Triad is to start requesting the singer's signature version of "Unchained Melody."
Who knows - the cookie angle just might work in other parts of the country, too!
Pepsi Countdown: 3 More Days!
After a grueling four-month campaign, the National Inclusion Project is sitting atop its category and appears to be on the verge of claiming a Pepsi Refresh $50,000 grant!
Daily voting routines have not slowed one iota, as supporters seek to help the alliances and partners whose reciprocal votes have boosted the Inclusion Project to its Top 10 standing.
The second Holiday Vote Blast is slated Thursday as eight children's charities seek to produce 100,000 Pepsi votes for their causes. See Vote for Kids for links to the NIP and the group's nine alliances.
You can also vote three ways by linking to the two widgets in this blog's sidebar or at their home base: NIP Voting Links and More NIP Voting Links. Created by Scarlett, the widgets contain the Internet/mobile ballot links/addresses for the foundation's alliances and partners formed throughout the four-month campaign.
Fans Target Ella's Hope, CDLK5
Two charities NIP supporters are especially targeting these final few days have been partners with the NIP for four-month Pepsi campaign: Ella's Hope, an alliance dedicated to early intervention of autism hovering around the final moneyed rung, and the CDLK5 Foundation seeking a cure for a rare neurological disease.
Sharon G (12/30) for CDLK5: Arianna's family of 10 have voted all 3 ways for you. Please help us to the top 10. 1 computer + 10voters + 3 ways = 1 comment and 30 votes. Ari and I sat outside of Kohl's today for 4 hours passing out fliers for votes for the 10 groups we are voting for. Hope it helped!
Arianna is a young girl with no voice. A $50k grant for CDLK5 would provide the operation she needs. I am voting for both of these groups with each ID from now now until midnight Friday.
Calendar Deadline Set for Jan. 15
An order deadline of Jan. 15 has been set by Rosaratana, who annually produces a Clay Aiken calendar as a fundraiser for the Inclusion Project.
The 2011 wall and desk calendars, which feature photos by toni7babe from the summer's popular Timeless Tour, have been well-received by CA fans.
All proceeds after costs will be donated to the foundation in February. Cost of the calendars, which are printed on premium glossy card stock are $12 for the desk size (8.27" x 3.74") and $25 for the wall model (11" x 8.5").
To place an order, Paypal or email Rosa at by Jan. 15. Checks are accepted, and she will email you her address. For additional information and photos, see the Nov. 2 Carolina entry: Clay Aiken Fans Go to Bat for Inclusion Project.
Christmas Day with Kai and Lia
The snow-covered sculptures lining my side street are actually sleeping dump trucks awaiting resumption of the utility work that has besieged our neighborhood for weeks. My three-year-old grandson Kai, who is very much into trucks, would appreciate the scene.
In his home, Kai has discovered that hardwood floors are very conducive for the emergency runs he and his new Christmas fire engine make. His sister Lia is content to imitate her mother's ways with a brand new doll.
The new toys stayed home when the family visited friends for Christmas Day. Clickables of their holiday activities are shown below. Grandmother's gift will arrive in the Spring when the family drives to Carolina for an extended visit.
Before leaving, Lia got in a little piano, voice, and "vamp" practice.
Her music-teaching grandmother is most impressed
with the hand-over-hand technique.
Kai and Lia enjoyed playing games before gathering
at the beautiful Christmas table prepared by their hostess.
Holidays can be so tiring, but grandson Kai has learned
to kick back and relax, above board and below,
with/without shoes and socks.
Count on postscript pictures of the fire engine and doll baby. Meanwhile, have an awesome transition from 2010 to 2011! Happy New Year, Clay Nation!

Signature by Linda/ABM
Hi Caro. Merry Christmas. :)
So glad to see that they are on top in the Pepsi challenge. As you know I have been a hermit and just catching up today on what is going on.
The grandkids are adorable. I think Lia is going to take after her grandma with her piano playing perfection and Kai can add to the family musical tree if he keep sneaking his grandpa's drums. heee.
Thanks for the update and I love you bunches.
((HUGS)) Kathy/Aspiegirl
Hoping to see radioplay for Unchained Melody by Clay. His version is outstanding.
Great blog, Caro.
Your grandkids are so sweet. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and thanks to Clay, we will have a happy February and March.
Take care,
I cannot believe how big Lia and Kai are getting!! They are just too cute and I'll bet they are an absolute joy to be around.
Been voting and spreading the word on the Pepsi Challenge daily :D I am cautiously optimistic that December truly is our month.
I think I'm going to wait to see if my station is included in the listing that TC will be providing. If not, I'll find a station to stream online - since I spend far more time in front of the computer than in the car that's probably the way to go anyway.
Looking forward to 2011 and all it has to offer.
Happy New Year all!
Caro......great info in this blog. It is always a treat to read here.
Being a Grandma is so much fun and I love how you allow us to follow along as you watch them grow into "Big" kids!!
Thanks for the info!!
Hi Caro,
Lia is so adorable sitting there and plying the piano.....I'm sure you can not wait to get them to NC in the Spring to teach her your expertise. You are going to have to get a count down calendar.
UM is so amazing and I just love watching Clay sing it......he puts his whole heart and sole into it.
Thank You for the updates on the Pepsi Challenge.....keeping my fingers and toes crossed that December is our month.
Hope your keeping's sure cold in my neighborhood! lol
Have a wonderful New Years Weekend.....
Warm Hugs,
Very excited about the fans requesting Unchained Melody on A/C radio.
Have already commented at WRCH--a station in CT not far away. They've been very Clay friendly--played his Christmas music--now I am hoping they will play Unchained Melody. I will request--gently!!!
Thanks for the great blog.
You have adorable grandkiddies!
Final countdown is on...two days left! The National Inclusion Project will do it this time!!! VOTE - VOTE - VOTE!!!
I couldn't watch the video of Clay singing UM as it says something about it being available to US citizens only!!! Humbug!
I am sitting here watching my beloved Senators being eaten alive by the Carolina Hurricanes. Score right now is Carolina 4, Senators 0 with just over a minute to play! Humbug again!
Kai and Lia are just so adorable! I am sure that Grandma is getting excited for their spring visit!
Hope that the AC stations are going to be receptive to playing Clay this time around. Would love to see it happen!
If I don't get a chance to drop in again before the New Year, here's wishing you a very Happy New Year as I look forward to another year of continued friendship and wonderful blogs!
Happy New Yr. to U and Yours and enjoyed seeing your blog and those precious gchildren! I bet U r counting the days for that visit! I wish Clay luck on the UM song on radio.And sure hope voting goes well, almost there!! Hope!! Take care.D. in Wi.
2010 has definitely been a year of major accomplishments for Clay. And now as it comes to a close, his music is finally being played on the radio, and his charity is poised to take first place in the elusive "Pepsi Challenge". It takes my breath away.
Seeing photos of Kai and Lia always brings joy. Thank you for sharing them.
I'm looking forward to so many things next year, and many of them will be faithfully recorded in this very special blog.
Thanks my friend.
I wished I lived in an area that played Clay's music. I tried to put in a request a few times, but while they seemed receptive, nothing came of it.
Looks like we're staying in first place in the Pepsi challenge. good for us for not giving up.
You can be proud of your Grandchildren! They are adorable! Lois
Wishing you a Happy New Year! Terrific blog! You always bring joy and love all your blogs.
Kai and Lia are so adorable. You are so blessed to have them. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos.
Have a wonderful 2011 and appreciate the friendship!
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