Clay Aiken sings 'Everything I Don't Need.
View montage by gerwhisp full screen at YouTube.
Winston Driving a Disaster for Me
I have successfully driven in large cities with winding roads and streets with numerous name changes, but point me in the direction of Winston-Salem and it's a total disaster.
Sure enough, Friday's drive to Wake Forest University Medical Center was appropriately accompanied by Clay Aiken's "Everything I Don't Need" track from the 2008 On My Way Here album.
My appointment to complete pre-op procedures at Wake Forest was 1:50 p.m. True to form, my car immediately took a wrong turn a few miles into the trip. Business 40 versus New 40 is simple for some, but an adventure for me.
Business 40 registered as an exit for Kernersville, so I literally crossed two lanes of traffic with tractor trailers barreling down on me. Having survived that, I reached for my cell phone and dialed my sister, who was home preparing for her ensemble's wedding rehearsal.
Traffic simulation by CLIPish.
It's not as if Friday's mishap was a surprise. In the years I taught orchestra at Kiser Middle and Grimsley High Schools, I annually drove students to Winston for all-state auditions and clinics. Even with in-depth instructions and maps from my brother-in-law and sister, I could count on one or more mishaps or wrong turns.
The only times I have driven in Winston-Salem with no trouble were when a Clay Aiken tour had come to town.
BIL is my driver for the June 13 surgery, a small melanoma on my right shoulder. We are hoping for no surprises that day.
At least I won't be driving!
Cookie awards Fan Fest door prize as Flat Clay looks on. - Scarlett cap
Faye Parker presents NIP report at dinner. - Cap by Scarlett
Attendees at the 2011 Fan Fest of May 21-22 in York, PA, raised $6,500 for the National Inclusion Project, topping the event's goal by $1,500.
In making the announcement, Cookie, chairperson, encouraged all Clay Aiken fans to mark their calendars for the May 19-20, 2012, event in York. Along with the many fun activities "up her sleeve," Cookie plans to have an interactive website in place soon.
Proceeds were raised through a variety of events, including "market place" sales, raffle tickets, and donations. Next year's goal has been set for $7,500; so put a red circle around Fan Fest Weekend 2012.
Below is Fountaindawg's handsome tour wallpaper of CA photos by farouche and toni7babe.
Expandable wallpaper design by Fountaindawg.
Hey Caro. I'm sending all good thoughts your way, now and on the 13th. ((((hugs)))) Best wishes only, my friend.
P.S.. I'll take the perils of WS driving over the abomination that is Raleigh's road system, any day! LOL!! Only for Clay would I travel there, ever!
Note to self...DO NOT DRIVE TO WS WITH CARO...LOL!!! Talk about a road trip!!
Will be thinking of you on June 13 and pray that everything goes well.
How wonderful that the PA Fundraiser for the National Inclusion Project was such a success! Sounds like good things are in store for the fans for the NY one!
Have a good weekend!
Sending good healing thoughts to you for your surgery.
Cindy (hosaa)
I'm sending you healing prayers and hope that all goes well. I love your blog and you sharing with us your driving experience
You are going to be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care my friend.
Oh, Honey! I can relate! I hatessess driving in W-S! Roadway Design courtesy of DEG of FC. (Drunk Engineering Group of Forsyth County)
Wishing the Docs' Mapping is Far Superior!
Hi Caro,
Prayers, Prayers and more Prayers for the 13th. Happy to hear BIL will be driving that day for you. I'm not good at driving in big cities either, espesially if I don't know where I am going.
Thank you for the report in York, PA....Great Job Clay Fans!!
Talk soon.....
Big Hugs,
I never have a problem driving in Winston. Maybe because I live there?
I hope your surgery has no surprises either.
I too am sending good thoughts for that surgery!! I do hope for only "good news".
I can't thank you enough for you wonderful support of Fan Fest. I was truly awe struck by the support of the fans again this year.....not only those who attended and those who did a great job of volunteering but of those fans who were unable to attend and supported this event with wonderful donations of items to be used for the auctions and for creating baskets and the welcome bags.
We even had fans send monetary sponsor donations which was appreciated as well!
I can plan my little heart out but it takes support to make an event a success! Thanks again to everyone who made that happen again this year.
Hope to see more of you in 2012!
Thank you, all, for your kind thoughts RE June 13. Hopefully, this will mark closure of a five-month journey through the medical profession's sluggish attention to the problem.
Sandy has it right:
NOTE TO SELF: Do not drive to WS with Caro!
Having driven in Nashville and Knoxville where streets have 2-3 names and wind around incessantly, I am amazed that Winston is such a puzzle to me.
Congratulations to Cookie and all who made Fan Fest such a great success!
Have an awesome week, all!
At least you had great music for your adventure in WS! Mom and I once had an adventure like that in the wee hours trying to get from Birmingham, Alabama to Decatur, Alabama(where we lived at the time)- we couldn't find the right turnoff and kept going in circles. A young man on a motorcycle helped us. Good luck with your surgery. I just had a spot removed from my nose, but I haven't heard anything yet. Take care and God bless. Love always, Cynthia
I love gershisp's montage and Fountaindawg's wallpaper!
Congratulations to the Fan Fest for raising $6,500 for NIP! Great!!!
Your driving experience sounds like ones I have. I have ZERO sense of direction. My Dad used to tell me I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag if both ends were open. LOL
Good luck on your surgery on the 13th. We will be thinking of you!
Good luck with your surgery!! Positive thoughts coming your way. I have a friend in WS, if I ever visit I'll leave the driving to her =)
Love Fountaindawg's graphic (that photo by farouche is yummy), Gerwhip is so very very very talented!! Love her work!!!
Cookie, congrats to you on the Fan Fest!! I wish I could attend, but alas, it would have to be a choice between the Gala and the Fan Fest (being on the west coast and all). Well done to you and I'm positive you will meet and exceed net year's goal!!!
Caro, Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery. I will be praying for you.
I loved the Montage of EIDN. Gerwhisp did an awesome job. It has always been one of my favorites from OMWH.
Thanks for the pictures from The Fan Fest. I am happy to see how good they did. It was very nice that Fay attended. Give my regards to Cookie too..she is a very devoted Fan.
Hi Caro. Want you to know I am thinking of you and hope all goes well on the 13th.
Glad you got to your appt. ok, even if you did take a little side trip along the way. :)
Sending you my prayers and many ((HUGS)) too.
Love you
Sending good thoughts and prayers for you and glad to hear you are taking action to rid yourself of the melanoma! I look forward to your return to get up informed of what our favorite singerman and your beautiful grandchildren are up to! Take care and big hugs your way!
Add me to the list of friends who will be sending good thoughts and loving prayers on the 13th.
Thanks for the report on the Fan Fest and for posting Fountaindawg's montage; it's gorgeous.
Sending good thoughts your way, Caro.
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