CURTAIN RISES IN TEXAS -- Amazing_CA's graphic with
photos by Farouche, links to a slide show of Clay Aiken's
2007 Summer Tour Texas openers in Frisco and Houston.
'The Survival Project' Sunday
Fans Replay 2007 Tour Opener
Independence Day 2008 duly celebrated with family gatherings, fireworks, and televised patriotic music programs, many Clay Aiken fans Friday also engaged in a rollicking rewind back to the singer's 2007 Summer Symphony Tour opener in Texas, the Frisco Freedom Fest.
The lead graphic above links to a 44-picture Frisco & Houston 2007 Slide Show from July 4 and 6. Choices are the original view and a gallery look-see.
In addtion to the above graphic, the slide show features photos by Farouche, dc4clay, HeatherW, Invisibleson926, KSChristian4Clay, Karen Eh, LauraQ, Scrpkym, Toni7babe, and Tony Gutierrez (AP), as well as graphics by ABeautifulMind, Claystruck, and ACA.
Opening Concerts Extra Special
Clayversity's journey back to July 4, 2007, was easily underway when xxx4clay posted recollections and asked, "Where were you a year ago today?"
A host of memories were shared not only by those who endured every notch of the humid, 90-plus degree temps in the Frisco soccer stadium, but also those who listened via computer cellstream in air-conditioned comfort, which they would have gladly traded for the Texas heat.
Beginning with xxx4clay, here are some of the evening's reminiscences:
Prior to this concert, we knew very little about what Clay would sing although the speculators amongst us had run amok with their possible scenarios. That afternoon someone had listened to the rehearsal and some of that info had drifted back to us but still, the lack of knowledge just added to the excitement.
Finally, finally, finally, Clay entered the stage singing “Here You Come Again.” There really are no words to describe what I felt at that moment. It was beyond exciting. Beyond mesmerizing. And he was soooo close. That crowd let loose with a collective squeal that I can still hear to this day.
All those heat related miseries just disappeared when Clay showed his face and I never gave it another minute's thought until the concert was over. There’s just something about the first concert of the tour and not knowing everything that’s gonna happen that makes it very, very special.
Where were CA fans a year ago?
IRISHBOOKGAL: Right here with my headphones on listening to a beautiful voice that gives me goose bumps.
SMARTYPANTSSUZ: Glued to my computer drinking in every morsel I could through the cellstream and recaps. What a night!
JCLAY: Basking in the afterglow of my very first Meet & Greet. It was the first of the "sit down with all of you and talk for 1/2 hour" variety.
WINDSTAR2: I was also in Frisco right in the middle of the screaming teenagers. What a great night that was to be with fellow Clay friends, to see Clay again live in concert and in TEXAS!
ANAMERIAIKENINTX: I'd bet anything the Frisco temperature was pushing 100 before the humidity was factored in! The weather was terrible. I forgot all about it, too, while Clay was with us.
PLAYBILLER: (from comments): Deep in the heart of Texas!
Dates and anniversaries of events are revered by the Clay Nation as one fan even recalled another significant 4th:
IRIS: Don't forget where some were two months ago tonight -- waiting for their last glimpse of Clay on the roof, blowing farewell kisses [following his final "Spamalot" performance].
Remembering Frisco would not be complete without a few of the visuals documenting the concert. Included are a graphic by Amazing_CA, photo by dc4clay, 1; photos by Karen Eh, 2; Toni7babe, 3; and xxx4clay, 4; and a clickable of the lead graphic, Amazing_CA/Farouche, 5.
Seven-Hour Sojourn to Houston
Many of the Frisco concert goers hopped into cars for the seven and a half hour scamper to Houston for the Soft Rock & A Hard Place Tour's next concert.
Two nights later, Clay & Co. played to a packed, air-conditioned Jones Hall there. The three southwestern concerts -- Frisco, Houston, and Tulsa, OK -- were soon nicknamed "The Texahoma Three-fer."
Featured in the Houston interlude are photos by NoFancyClothes, 1; FiveGoldens, 2; and KSCristian4Clay, 4; and a graphic by Cindilu2, photo by Scrpkym, 3.
I wouldn't doubt that many reading this blog either attended the Texas concerts or followed a garbled cellcert while waiting for recaps and audio/video clack. Let the good times roll again soon!
CNN To Spotlight UNICEF Sunday
CNN/CNN International will explore why 26,000 children die every day from preventable causes and what UNICEF is doing to save young lives in a special global telecast at 8 and 11 p.m. Sunday, as well as 2 a.m. Monday. See Spotlight on UNICEF Work.
The Survival Project
NOTE: Aiken visits Somalia for UNICEF is now the second most popular story at UPI Entertainment. Hits and comments will help it stay there or move up.The broadcast will also feature UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Lucy Liu and musician Joel Madden as panelists speaking about their experiences with UNICEF. Other celebrities – including Clay Aiken, Nicole Ritchie, Al Roker and Marcus Samuelsson – will appear in video diaries about their volunteer work, encouraging viewers to join the fight for child survival.
“As many as 9.7 million children die each year before their fifth birthday, largely due to preventable causes like measles, malaria and diarrhea. That is 26,000 children every day,” said US Fund for UNICEF President and CEO Caryl Stern.“We’re extremely grateful to see the world’s top news network not only highlighting the difficulties facing children’s survival, but moreover, challenging its audience to put an end to this injustice.”
OMWH Tracks, Montages Impress
As Clay fans stream, request, and create montages with On My Way Here songs, the word about Clay's exquisite new CD is spreading.
A shining example of the latter is Hotshortie's An Obama Love Story featuring OMWH's "Something About Us." YouTube views had logged 110,000 views Sunday afternoon, 112k early Monday, and 117k early Tuesday.
In addition, here are four new montages fresh off the press:
Rising From the Ashes by IUGal
As Long As We're Here (Somalia) by Suereu
Clay Aiken in Somalia ("Grace of God") by Brolio42
Survival Project - UNICEF ("Grace of" God" - Clay Aiken) by Gerwhisp
To stream songs and videos, use these links:
* Audio song tracks: AOL Music
* Five-song video performance: AOL Sessions
* OMWH video at Yahoo Music
To email or view montages previously listed, see the links in the June 28 entry: Aiken Fans Share OMWH Virally.
OMWH Needs To Be Heard
Newcomers who hear OMWH songs are generally knocked out by the CD. A slogan among fans engaged in this grass roots version of viral marketing has become: THE MUSIC JUST NEEDS TO BE HEARD. Here is yet another example:
CLAYBUTTONS: I'm celebrating the Fourth by reorganizing all my stuff. Most of it relates to a certain singer. I gifted OMWH to a part-time evening receptionist last week, and she LOVED it. I really think the CD JUST NEEDS TO BE HEARD!
A guy I gave it to a month ago finally listened last week. He works full-time and is getting his master's degree at night, so he hadn't had time. He also liked it and wasn't expecting to as he is more into rock. He said, "This guy can really sing!"
OMWH sells itself. It just needs to be heard.
Did the Monkey Mail Come?
Friday I emailed my grandson Kai -- and month-long Monkey Mail partner during his recent June visit -- the Mickey Mouse graphic that Claysmelody included in her July 4 Clayonline blog.
Have a wonderful weekend, Clay Nation!
RELATED TAGS: Clay Aiken, On My Way Here, 2007 Summer Symphony Tour, Frisco Freedom Fest,UNICEF, The Survival Project: One Child at a Time, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, CNN International, AOL Music, AOL Sessions, Yahoo Music, montage, Something About Us: An Obama Love Story, Rising From the Ashes, viral marketing, You Tube, Monkey Mail, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
Wonderful blog Caro!! Thanks for putting it all together. I have so many special memories from Frisco and Houston last year!!
Your blogs are wonderful always!!
Wow Caro! This blog brings back so many special memories to me. Also, it brought a big smile especially seeing Kai's precious smile. Thanks so much! Your blogs are great.
I kmnow where I was a year ago!
Deep in the heart of Texas!
I am always amazed at the breath and depth of your blog. This time you are entertaining and informative in spades. Such a wonderful blog. I look forward to it and I love it. The slide show is great. Your grandson is so cute.
The UNICEF mention is very important.
Thank you,
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