SCENES FROM SOMALIA -- Claystruck included several photos from Clay Aiken's recent UNICEF trip to Somalia in her graphic design.
Accidentally, On Purpose
Varied Trails Lead to Aiken Blog
Visitors from a total of 78 countries have stopped by the Carolina site in the past few months, according to the Feedjit Live Feed and Clustrmap monitoring this blog. As interesting as how readers arrive is the variety of topics that bring them here, either on purpose or accidentally.
The minute I lead with a sidebar subject, I suspect Clay Aiken will post another Field Notes blog about his recent Somalia trip for UNICEF. That's fine -- we're linked and can handle any updates the UNICEF Ambassador adds; and the photo interlude is filled with special graphics from his Somali mission.
The "live feed" imparts some of that information -- the most popular topics and entries, as well as a reader's route to the blog (Google/Yahoo search machines, mail alerts, other blogs, various CA message boards, etc.). Even some bona fide, bookmarked "direct hits"!
In the two weeks I took notes, I'm relatively sure several visitors arrived at this Clay Aiken blog by sheer coincidence. The method may not qualify as "viral marketing"; but in the process, many newcomers were introduced to Singer Man, some of his music, and his humanitarian endeavors.
'Clay Title' Yields OMWH Theme Song
The search topic "clay title" landed in the midst of links for various tennis champions, boxing's Cassius Clay, and this blog's March 08 entry, Clay's Title Track New Theme Song, which referenced the day I learned that my daughter and grandson Kai would be "on their way here" for a month-long visit in June.
Seeking "my bubel," a resident of The Netherlands arrived at the June 08 Bubel/Aiken Funds 30+ Camps entry. In backtracking, I learned there are a lot of other "Bubel" possibilities, too.
A Singapore search for "Who wins Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" rendered the November 07 blog: Aiken Wins Fans, Funds on Fox.
Hurricane Queries Locate Kai
At the onset of hurricane season, probably one of the most surprised Googlers was inquiring about a possible storm named Kai. Topping the possibilities was 'Hurricane Kai' Strikes Texas from October 07.
Many may recall that in answer to my plea for more pictures of our brand new grandson, Kai's grandfather sent images of an apartment in total disarray -- dirty dishes in the sink, newspapers stacked up, you name it, to prove how little picture-taking time was available.
From these photos, my friend Sally created the "Hurricane Kai" graphic with grandson calmly sleeping in the eye of the storm.
Someone inquiring about "Clay Aiken's Mom" found mine in Mother's Day Remembrance (May 08). Photos of Faye Parker, Clay's mother, appear in two of the interlude graphics.
What's for Dinner?
Another surprised visitor had to be one who fed "What's for dinner? Nashville segment on the Oprah Winfrey Show" into the search engine and arrived at Editor Recalls Aunt Lill's Potato Rolls (February 07).
My Great Aunt Lill taught piano to several generations of eastern NC students. In the story, the Wilson, NC, editor recalled her family's elation on the afternoons her sister left the piano teacher's house with music books in one arm and a pan of rolls in the other. Aunt Lill's daughter Josie provided the recipe.
A "Mexican cornbread and heart healthy" query yields many excellent sites. I'm sure 2007 Soup Recipes in Review was not the only one visited.
Trusty Oboe Tells Tales
John Ellis, oboe professor at the NC School of the Arts, has been the subject of several perusals directed to a November 06 entry, Trusty Oboe Could Tell Tales.
When John repaired my Loree, he informed me that it indeed has a pedigree. The serial numbers are from a rare group of instruments made especially for the late Marcel Tabuteau, considered the most influential oboist in the United States.
The January 07 blog -- Musical Terms Provide Grins -- followed Clay's 2006 Joyful Not a Tour, during which he taught audiences a new musical definition nightly. It's likely the visitor seeking "sustained note" and "glissando strings scary" now has Clay on his/her radar.
"You can sing, you can dance, and you won't soil your pants" naturally pulled up a Spamalot post, Aiken a Star on His Way.
A LAP & LACIE Surprise
A search for info about Sir Robin's rehearsals led an unsuspecting reader straight into a LAP & LACIE special, 'Spamalot' Rehearsals Resume, in which my talented laptop and external hard drive had a grand ole time discussing how Singer Man was having to learn to dance for his role on Broadway.
The topics that transport visitors to this portal are varied and seemingly endless. I was especially pleased to note that the screen names of the visual artists whose creations are featured here make the search boxes, too.
AND THE BEAT GOES ON: My DMV experience from this entry has invited surfers looking for "near-sightedness," "trifocals, and "my EYE EXAM glasses."
For me, the two-week study has been an enjoyable stroll down memory lane. Thnx for coming along!
PHOTO INTERLUDE: Featured are graphics of Clay's UNICEF trip to Somalia. Visual artists include Amazing_CA, 1 and 5; MNmeesh, 2 and 4, and Fountaindawg, 3.
Definitely Time for a Breather!At Clayversity Thursday night, ClaysFayevorite posted Clay's schedule dating back to the 2007 Summer Tour. Remember, these are only appearances and projects we know about. Just reading through the list makes me tired.
Since Last July:
A wonderful summer tour
Lining us up and walking those long, long lines to shake each of our hands last summer
Those intimate, sit-on-the-couch-and-chat Meet and Greets
A beautiful Christmas tour
OMG! He read through all those fan Christmas memories, then brought so many of those fans on stage to be part of his show, and personally met with each of them!
Ice skating show
Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?
Golfing for Inclusion - TBAF fundraiser
Neil Sedaka Tribute
Very successful four-month "Spamalot" run on Broadway
Broadway Cares
Recorded and released a new CD, On My Way Here
CD signing
Promo for the CD including many interviews and appearances on:
The View
Good Morning America
Tyra Banks Show
Rachel Ray
Paula Dean (still to be seen, EEEEE!!!)
Jay Leno
Jimmy Kimmel
The Broadway Cares Easter Bonnet
Narrated Season 2 AI Rewind
Performed at the Presidential Gala in DC
Two trips for UNICEF
Still in touch through his Field Notes
A total of 24 blogs to his fans
Whew -- enjoy a much-deserved break, Clay!
CD To Benefit Afghan Teacher Project
Janice Moen, the international music representative for Delta Kappa Gamma, Friday posted a blog that will be of interest to CA fans: Music for the Afghan Teacher Training Project at Moen's Musical Moments:
Delta Kappa Gamma has teamed with UNICEF to produce a CD that will serve as a fundraiser for the Afghan Teacher Training Project. The CD features the song "We Sing for the Children" which Northwest members sang in Vancouver, B.C. last summer.The blogger received so many inquiries from CA fans that she added a P.S. entry:
There is an update on the work being done in Afghanistan and interviews with Afghan teachers, UNICEF staff and the popular singing star Clay Aiken. You will be able to get a CD by making a donation of $15.00 or more.
The CD will be sold through Delta Kappa Gamma and at the United Nations Gift Shop. All the proceeds, wherever purchased, will go to the Afghan Teacher Training Project.
Clay Aiken will only be speaking on the CD. He is a US Fund for UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
Near Miss at the DMV
Friday morning I renewed my driver's license at our local Division of Motor Vehicles because it's that time again. Cramming on the road signs up until my number was called, I hadn't worried one lick about the eye test because I am near-sighted and required to wear glasses anyway.
I'm sure I was on the verge of failing the eye exam when I accidentally changed the angle I was viewing the machine's fuzzy rows of letters and numbers. A few years ago, I "graduated" to trifocals and, in my haste, was attempting to read the distant images through the wrong glasses section.
The minute I hit upon the right "focal" all became perfectly clear, and I rattled off the string of letters and numbers. Hopefully, the young test administrator will remember this quirk for her future slightly-past-prime-time applicants.
As far as pictures, I can guarantee that is one photo that will never, ever be posted in this blog, LOL!
Below is a clickable of Claystruck's opening graphic:
Handy Streaming Links
To stream OMWH songs and videos, use these links:
* Audio song tracks: AOL Music
* Five-song video performance: AOL Sessions
* OMWH video at Yahoo Music
To email or view OMWH montages previously listed, see updated listing in this journal's June 28 blog entry: Aiken Fans Share OMWH Virally.
RELATED TAGS: Clay Aiken, On My Way Here, UNICEF, Somalia, Field Notes Blog, Feedjit Live Feed, ClustrMap, Google, Delta Kappa Gamma, Moen's Musical Moments, Afghan Teacher Training Project, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
Oh my! Our Singer Man has been very busy. That list of activities is mind boggling!
I giggled at the "Hurricane Kai" search;that graphic was a joy to create.
Thanks for another wonderful blog.
Thank you for the wonderful blog--informative, fun and nice to look at too!
hugs, CsM
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