Clay Aiken performs five tracks from On My Way Here on AOL Sessions. -- Screen cap by ClayIzzaQT.
Aiken Fans Create Special Montages
OMWH Songs, Olympics a Match
To reach the top, faith must conquer fear.
With the Beijing Summer Olympics only 16 days away, talented montage makers seem to have "coming and going" down as they create outstanding videos with tracks from Clay Aiken's On My Way Here CD and then join other fans in the nightly 2007 Summer Tour replays occurring throughout Clay Cyberspace.
Photo of Tyson Gay, 2007 medalist, links to montage.
An outstanding tribute to American athletes, Olympic Dreams - On My Way Here, by SueRue captures many memorable moments from past games. Not surprisingly, the lead single of Clay's new CD is proving to be a perfect fit for Olympic footage.
In addition to the linking photo of sprinter Tyson Gay, many athletes are featured in still photos and video, among them Muhammed Ali lighting the torch in Atlanta in 1996; Kerri Strug completing a vault following an injury in 1996; Kerri Walsh and Misty May celebrating gold with the 2004 Women's Beach Volleyball Team.
Also Mary Decker's fateful collision with Zola Budd at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and Jesse Owens, winner of four Track and Field gold medals in 1936.
Pictured in clickables above are Walsh and May, Owens, and Decker. To download the montage, you can use this Sendspace.
Screen cap links to Olympics montage by Hosaa.
Memorable Moments Honor Olympians
Hosaa created Olympians - On Their Way, a montage of vintage clips in tribute to the athletes participating in the 2008 Summer Games. Featured music is Clay's single "On My Way Here."
For more information on the montage, see Hosaa's Blog on Blogspot.
Photo links to Shawn Johnson - Beijing Dream montage.
'Ashes' Featured in 'Beijing Dream'
Yollie950 showcased the single "Ashes" in her new Olympic montage about a gymnast who will compete in the 2008 games: Shawn Johnson - Beijing Dream.
To read more about the American gymnast, visit her website: Shawn Johnson.
In the 8-8-08 On My Way Here montage, Yollie950 wishes the USA Olympic teams well in Beijing.
Illuminated Stadium (The Bird's Nest) - Photo by Luo Xiaoguang
The Olympics have long been front and center for China as final preparations for the 2008, games are almost completed. To absorb some of Beijing's enthusiasm and anticipation, take a tour of the excellent official website for the August 8-24, 2008, Beijing Olympics: One World One Dream.
Among the many interesting and helpful links are the 2008 schedule, info on the various sports, and venues. Links for news, a photo gallery, and a video section will soon be hotbeds of activity.
You can watch videos of the torch relay, appropriately named "Light the Passion, Share the Dream."
Official Dancing Beijing Emblem
With inspiration from the traditional Chinese art form - calligraphic art, the character "Jing" (the latter of the city's name) is developed into the form of a dancing human being, reflecting the ideal of a "New Olympics".The words "Beijing 2008" also resembles the vivid shapes of Chinese characters in handwriting, voicing in concise strokes of the countless feelings Chinese people possess towards the Olympics.
"On My Way Here" has already been used as background music for South Korea's MBC-TV promo for the 2008 games. The video -- Olympics On My Way Here -- has been uploaded to YouTube by olympicsdream.
You can almost feel the excitement half a world away. Sixteen days and counting!
Opening this entry's tour replay are the above three photos taken by Toni7babe at the July 21, 2007, concert in Columbus, OH.
Ohio Men Rave About Clay's Show
A whopping crowd of 12-14,000 men, women, and children of all ages picnicking on the sprawling lawn or around one of 300 tables sold at a Chemical Abstract Service event that surpassed previous attendance records could easily have been the headline from Clay Aiken's concert in Columbus, OH, Saturday night.
To CA fans, however, the lead story had to be the number of "Clayversions" among men from multiple generations that occurred during the course of the evening.
Many Clayversions were reported by Clay fans in recaps of the July 21, 2007 concert. Scroll down and read about them in the 7/23/07 Carolina entry: New Fans Join Clay Train in Ohio, Michigan.
Two male bloggers, obviously dragged to the concert by their Clay fan wives, left with a different perspective. Their blogs are linked in the 2007 blog. I especially love Dannylion's write-up of the bus line on MySpace: The Coolest Concert I Have Ever Been To.
In addition to the music and the banter, Dannylion was very impressed with the fact that after the concert, Clay walked the enormous bus line shaking hands with his fans. The entry concludes with this statement: That was the coolest thing that ever happened at any concert I have been to!
Claystruck's clickable calendar is an excellent way to keep up with which concerts are being celebrated when.
New York Entrances Surprise Fans
In the 2007 concerts on July 20 (Chautauqua) and July 19 (Canandaigua), Clay once again proved he knows how to make an entrance.
The lead paragraphs of this journal's July 20, 2007, report -- New York Openers Feature Twists -- explain. Again, you will need to scroll to the date.
Clay Aiken proved this weekend he really, really knows how to make an entrance. In the second and third performances of the Summer Tour's "New York Three-fer," he surprised Canandaigua and Chautauqua audiences filled with fans who know his concert set list as well as he does and -- at times -- the lyrics even better.
On both evenings, the entertainer's normal casual stroll onto the stage while singing "Here You Come Again" took decidedly ingenious twists. Friday Chautauqua concert goers watched Clay circle a high walkway behind the stage and eventually make his way down an aisle to center stage, all the while singing the opening number with the orchestra.
During the Canandaigua entrance the night before, the singer encountered a few unexpected turns himself but surprised everyone by entering through the crowd.
Below are clickables from the two New York concerts. Chautauqua photos are by WNYClayFan1, 1 and 3, and ClayFaninMN1, 2.
The Canadaigua rewind features photos by KarenEh, 1 and 3, and FiveGoldens, 2.
The next rerun will be Sterling Heights, MI, on July 23, when the audience was treated to the exquisite impromptu "Listen" duet by Clay and Quiana.
To stream OMWH songs, link to AOL Music. The five OMWH Sessions videos can be viewed at this link. More montages created to OMWH tracks are listed in the July 14 blog entry: Aiken Fans 'Use Their Voice'.
Below is a clickable of ClayIzzaQT's Sessions screencap:
Have a wonderful week, Clay Nation!
RELATED TAGS: Clay Aiken, On My Way Here, AOL Music, AOL Sessions, Beijing Summer Olympics, montage, Ashes, One World One Dream, MBC-TV South Korea, 2007 Summer Tour, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
Oh my word! Your blog is a delight!
Some mighty fine stuff here on the Olympics and that very handsome Clay Aiken guy!!!
My morning coffee is always tastier when there is a new blog of yours to go with it!
Great Olympic coverage, I'm looking forward to watching them.
Love the concert recaps of our favourite, handsome singer man :)
Love, love, love the new blog. SueRue's montage blew me away. We have so much talent in ClayNation.
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