UNC-TV parties with Clay Aiken and fans. - Graphic by Fountaindawg.
UNC-TV Hosts Worldwide Party
The Clay Aiken "LIVE" gathering at UNC-TV was beamed throughout the state's 22-station network Saturday night, but party goers from around the globe attended the shindig via Twitter and Facebook.
From the coast to the mountains, back-to-back airings of the "Clay Aiken: Tried & True ~ LIVE!" concert were telecast via UNC satellite stations between 8 and 11:30 p.m.
Present for pledge breaks during both telecasts, Clay talked about his passion for the concert songs from his latest Decca release, Tried & True, as well as public television programming and National Inclusion Project, the charity he and Diane Bubel of Charlotte co-founded in 2003.
The station's goal of 200+ contributors Saturday night was easily met with fans from 18 states and four countries donating to UNC-TV. On the final break, the number of contributors stood at 236. Twitter, Facebook Host Fan Parties
Running concurrently, the global parties hosted by UNC-TV on TwitterFacebook kept the singer's fans grinning all night with updates, photos, and pledge break videos. Here is a sampling of party tweets: (@unctvclay) and
mrbaconclay: Thank so much for a fun night. Loved all the pics, videos & trivia you guys shared.
starfishy2000: Thanks you so much for involving those out of your viewing area tonight! Glad to support those that support Clay!
Martigyrl: Thanks for keeping us all smiling tonight! It was great!
Posted on the station's Facebook wall are several photos and pledge break videos. These are representative of posts on Facebook from "going live" to the closing tally:
UNC-TV:Going LIVE with @unctv "Clay Aiken Tried & True Twitter Party" in 3, 2, 1...#clayaiken #unctvclay @unctvclay
UNC-TV: As promised, UNC-TV's Clay Aiken Tried and True 'Friends Count' Facebook Contest winners Karen Vanselow and Cherie Ezuka meet the man himself during our SeptemberFest pledge event!
Karen V: Cherie and I had a blast tonight! The UNCtv staff was fantastic! Talk about your good ole southern hospitality. We felt like VIPS the entire evening.
UNC-TV: Our Canadian friends are welcome to call 919-485-3319. Thanks so much! We're so excited to be touching the lives of people in other countries!
Carole H: Thanks so much for the fun night. So happy you reached your goal. WTG UNC TV and Clay!
UNCTV: 18 states and 3 countries outside of the US supported @unctv 2nt...#clayaiken's pubtv station. thank-you.amazing. #unctvclay
In addition, there are four videos from the station's night of Clay posted on the UNCTV YouTube Channel. Scroll down to "Recent Activity" in the middle of the page.
Below are expandable photos that also help replay Saturday's festivities accompanying Clay Aiken's Tried & True ~ LIVE! telecasts in the Triangle studio.
Interviewing the singer throughout the evening was Shannon Vickery. Also included are photos of Clay entertaining the staff and posing with fans Vickie and Cherie, the event's Meet & Greet winners.
Inclusion Project Moves to #25
Tweaked voting strategies are beginning to pay off as the National Inclusion Project inched up to #25 in the drive to secure a $50,000 grant during September's Pepsi Refresh Challenge.
The outline below has been shared on several Clay Aiken message boards where members are assigned to vote specific groups.
Eligible voters (legal US citizens at least 13 years old) reading this blog should include the "Everyone" list and choose one of the other groups to best distribute each day's 10 votes. One Internet vote and one text vote are allowed daily.
Below is the plan designed by SueReu to include charities reciprocating votes with the National Inclusion Project. The lists change daily, so check back for updates.
Everyone Vote For:
National Inclusion Project - Text 102308 to 73774 (Pepsi)
National Federation of the Blind - Text 101913 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Rett Syndrome - Text 100842 to 73774 (Pepsi)
SWOOP (wheelchair ramps/Triangle area) - Text 102191 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Courageous Disabled Kids - Text 100058 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Foxroad Elementary - Text 102179 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Mckemy Middle School - Text 100283 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Saving Shelter Pets - Text 102190 to 73774 (Pepsi)
St. Joseph's School - Text 100242 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Screamfest Film Festival - Text #100848 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Group B
Charlotte Peace (domestic violence) - Text 100011 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Add iPad - Text 100053 to 73774 ( Pepsi)
Ella's Hope for Autism - Text 100288 to 73774 (Pepsi)
The Bag Ladies - Text 101126 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Family fun Events - Text 102684 to 73773 (Pepsi)
BRIDGES (special needs/Triangle) - Text 101364 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Little Tree Preschool (autism) - Text 101735 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Group C
Tree House for Disabled Kids - Text 102672 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Blind Cat Rescue - Text 102422 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Boise Bicycle Project - Text 102464 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Health Shots Reminder - Text 102084 to Pepsi 73774 (Pepsi)
Wild and Wonderful Pet Pantry - Text 100040 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Mentored Chem-Bio Tech Lab - Text 101997 to 73774 (Pepsi)
RATCO - Text 100570 to 73774 (Pepsi)
Once voting is completed, return to each charity and copy/paste a message similar to the one below so the organizations will know the Inclusion Project is supporting their cause:
A vote from the National Inclusion Project! Help us help kids with disabilities experience life with their peers. We're going for $50K. http://www.refresheverything.com/nationalinclusionproject. Text 102308. Thank you for your support!
Non-US citizens have discovered ways to help by encouraging Facebook contacts and American friends to cast votes for them. For more details, see subhead Canadian Finds Ways to Help in the 9/6 entry.
INCLUSION: What Are You Waiting For?
View full screen at YouTube.
Thank you for your blog comments and props for contributing artists. To leave a remark, scroll to the bottom of that section, click on the "Post a Comment" link, and write in the box provided. Many thnx for stopping by today! - Caro
Another great blog with so much information and Clack! Thanks! So wonderful that they surpassed the goals last night at PBS Raleigh!
Now this is TV station that knows what they want and goes that extra mile to ensure they reach their goal! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out! WTG UNC-TV! Enjoyed your program vicariously through FB last night! Am very happy to hear that they surpassed their goal last night and rightfully so!
Thanks Caro!
Hi Caro,
Let me try again!!!........
Awesome blog, I did not get in on the fun evening last night, but thanks to you, I'm all caught up. Yeah for WTG UNC-TV and Clay Aiken they surpassed their goal. I loved ALL the photos....Wow! Is Clay ever good looking! lol
I love the YouTube "What Are You Waiting For!" Well done!!!
Have a Great Week Caro and again Thank You for all you do.
As always info is so appreciated and love that U keep Us up to date! I am so happy the psb went well and hope we continue to see more of the man. D.
Hi Caro,
I am so impressed with all the effort and organization of the fans to help the NIP. What a great cause.
Thanks so much for your magnificent blogs. You always do a great job with informing us on everything Clay!!
I look forward to more more more!
Thank you for bringing this all here to one place to be enjoyed by all. I watched Saturday night and tried to keep up at twitter and facebook. What a great effort UNC-TV put into this, quite successfully I might add.
Way to go UNC-TV and Clay Aiken. It was a great time.
This is Jen from UNC-TV. Thanks so much for sharing the results of UNC-TV's Clay Aiken Tried and True Twitter Party (#unctvclay) and Friends Count Facebook Contest, as well as Clay's LIVE appearance. We love our UNC-TV Community wherever they are, and will endeavor to go wherever they are with great programming and appearances. A special shoutout to #claymates everywhere, Karen and Cherie, our FB winners, and all of the people who called in and supported UNC-TV during Clay's special night. We'll let you know when Clay's program comes back into the line-up...so we can do it all over again. Thanks so much.
I really enjoyed the Twitter Party that UNC-TV put on for Clay. New to Twitter..but, I got to see all the tweets, pictures and video. Now that is the way they should promote Clay Aiken..maybe some of these other PBS Stations could learn from this..including mine. Thank you for all the information Caro.
Thanks for the continuous wonderful blogs full of so much information, and great pics. I just wish I had the good health and energy to keep up my blog like you do. I wish you the best, and Thanks to you and CANN, and FBs' Claynation, we keep abreast of all that is Clay. Plus many, many other Clay fans!!.
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