Timeless Tour kicks off Friday in Asheville.
In Music, Food, Humor
Timeless Tour Reflects Tastes
While both are Southerners, the singers agreed that their musical tastes reflected different traditions.
"I don't know that we overlap too much at all," Aiken said. "That's kind of what made this show fun."
"My taste is more caviar," Studdard added. To which Aiken responded, "And mine is barbecue."
In a three-way telephone interview, Clay Aiken, Ruben Studdard, and reporter Bruce Steele of the Asheville Citizen Times discussed the Timeless Tour's opening concert slated for Friday at Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC.
The conversation was jovial and filled with gems from two entertainers whose longtime friendship has weathered national competition, constant comparisons, and the strength of time.
"We both love '70s variety shows," Aiken said in a brief three-way telephone call on Tuesday. "We're an entity this summer: Ruben and Clay."
"I notice you put my name first," Studdard said with a laugh.
Friday is the kickoff for a three-week, 17-show coast-to-coast road trip that reunites the two top finishers from the second season of “American Idol.” In case you've forgotten, Ruben won, but Clay sold more records.
Not that any of that matters now, seven years later. Times have changed, the guys have changed, and the songs they'll be singing have changed.
"We are going to be singing timeless material that we grew up listening to, that our mothers listened to around the house," Studdard said. "Everyone's going to have a good time."
Timeless Tour graphic of Clay and Ruben by Fountaindawg.
"It was not our goal at all to do a show where one person sang and then the other person sang,” Aiken said, perhaps unconsciously referring to the format of the annual “Idols Live” tour that trots out each season's "American Idol" top finishers.
"We're doing the whole show together," Aiken said.
The tour is a product of the two friends — they've been close ever since the show — finally being at the helm of their own careers. It's a nice change after some post-“Idol” years of dictated management, when "decisions were made in a vacuum — a vacuum that you're not even in," Aiken said.
One recent decision: Do more live shows. “I think Ruben and I both, while we like recording, are really live performers at heart,” Aiken said.
The material will be wide-ranging, drawing from both men's catalogs — including Aiken's new CD of pop standards, "Tried and True" — and adding fresh classics. "It's a variety show," Aiken said. "It's the spice of life."
The Timeless Duo: Clay and Ruben
Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun
According to Kim Matthews, DJ with Asheville's Star 104.3, talking with Clay and Ruben is "double the pleasure and double the fun! They are hilarious and two of the nicest celebs I've had the privilege to interview."
Listen to their very funny chat here. You can download the interview with this Sendspace file.
Promotion is already underway for Sunday's 3 p.m.concert in Melbourne, FL. Check out the playful but informative banter between the two in this Metromix interview.
For a complete listing of Timeless Tour concert dates with links, see the previous Carolina entry.
Decca T&T Promo Takes Jukebox Spin
Last weekend, Siol, OFC member from Wisconsin, discovered yet another way Decca Records is promoting Clay's Tried & True CD when she and her husband joined their sons at a sports bar following a game at a local park.
With permission, parts of her latest blog, "An Amazing Jukebox," are quoted below:
I remember the way jukeboxes used to be, but my, how they have changed, and for the better. Now I know they have an amazing new high tech jukebox called a "Playola" or something close to that.
Some of the ball players decided to play some older country western music, which you can do by just putting in the artist's name and choosing any song you want.
They all know how crazy I am for Clay, so they put in his name, called me over, and said I could play a few of his songs. I was amazed to see that TNT was listed. Of course, I played my two favorites, "UM" and "Crying."
I can't wait to go back, and I will certainly play Clay again. You never know when someone else might notice.
Following a 12-hour flight that took them to Denver, Los Angeles, and finally Honolulu, grandchildren Kai and Lia are in Hawaii with their mother for a six-week visit with friends.
For both little ones, this marks their first time seeing the ocean. From his window seat, Kai marveled at the various cloud formations and the huge span of water as the plane flew toward Hawaii Tuesday. His younger sister was a bit less excited about flying.
The family's fondness for pineapple and other fruit will no doubt be expanded with the many tropical varieties available in the islands.
The night before departure both children were so excited they could not sleep, so Poppy took them driving in the desert on a sunset patrol. With the car windows rolled down, they were fast asleep in no time.
Meanwhile, their mother is today running on fumes, as she packed most of the night. She said her best purchase prior to leaving was as "sit and stand" stroller on which she could load both kids and all carry-on items to whip through the various airports for connecting flights.
A photo diary is promised, but a visit to the market tops the morning agenda. Stay tuned!
Below is a clickable of the wide screen Timeless Tour graphic by Fountaindawg:
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Visitors have arrived at this site from 153 countries. Many thnx for stopping by today! - Caro
I was reading the interview between Clay and Ruben during my lunch hour and was laughing out loud! I can hardly wait till I see them in person! Two more weeks and just imagine just two more sleeps for the first concert of the tour. The message boards will be jam packed for sure on Friday night!
How exciting for you grandchildren to visit Hawaii! What a lovely trip for them, but I can just imagine how tired your daughter must be. Can hardly wait to see pictures. Speaking about grandchildren, I was told on Sunday that I am about to become a grandmother AGAIN! This one is due in March. Connor was at the dinner table when we were told the news and put his hands together and said "Please God, bring me a brother". He loves to be around children so much, a brother would be nice.
Thanks once again for keeping all us fans so informed with up to the minute news!
GREAT post, Carolina! Thanks again for all your efforts in bringing us delicious Clay news and pics.
Thank for the radio Inerview I listen to it when I found on facebook Today
Hi Caro. Thanks for your blog. Here I find everything that has happened to Clay in my absence. ;-D
I'm excited by the proximity of the concerts, and so happy for everyone who can attend to see Clay and Ruben!!!
Thank for the blog, enjoyed it. Love the info, I would miss it half if not for U! Liked hearing the one interview. I think there will be allot of goofing around...and songs! Your g.kids are sure lucky to be doing that vac. and visiting! Lots to tell gma! Take care, D. in Wi.
I absolutely adore that radio interview with Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard - too funny, Ruben is a riot!!
We're counting down to the Timeless Tour - yipee!!!! Good times ahead!!!
Great graphics and Aloha to Kai and Lia.
Love the interview, thanks for blogging and getting it out there. Can't believe the tour is starting in two days! I won't be at the concert, but will watch for recaps. I'm sure it will be a good time.
Thanks for the great blog! I LOVE the Clay Aiken/Ruben Studdard interview. They are a riot together. They are going to have so much fun on this tour!
Caro, the count down has begun for Timeless Tour. Thanks so much for all the updates and all things Clay.
Enjoyed reading about more of Kai's adventures. Love the fact that we both have grandsons named Kai.
What an exciting time in Clay land. That print interview was hilarious, as was the radio interview from Asheville. A real hint of things to come from 'Bert and Ernie' *g*
Summer time and Clay Aiken on tour. Life is good!
I love the way you give us easy access to the interviews. It sure beats having to look for them myself. Clay and Rueben are going to be so great together, though I have a feeling Clay will do most of the talking.
I'm honored you used my blog as part of yours. It makes me feel real good to see it there. Lois
Thank you so much for the sendspace links -- I was travelling yesterday so it was so nice to find these this morning. Can't wait for the updates from the tour!!!
(strange to be posting from Greenville, South Carolina)
These 2 are going to have so much fun on this tour. I'm soooo looking forward to clack!!!!
Thanks for bringing us these goodies, Caro.
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