ANOTHER NORTH CAROLINA WINNER - Clay Aiken offers insight into finale week for Scotty McCreery, Garner's American Idol hopeful. View video full screen at the WRAL website.
NC Pulls for Scotty McCreey
Aiken Recalls Idol Finale WeekAnyone who publishes a blog on Blogspot will tell you that Friday the 13th got a head start, wreaking havoc in this corner of Cyberspace on May 11-12. Anything posted at the Carolina site during that period -- the May 12 entry, comments in previous/current blogs -- was literally wiped out Thursday afternoon. Supposedly, all will be returned sometime later today.
While some aspects are back to normal, the most recent post is either corrupted or floating around in Cyberspace; so I redid the codes from the parallel version at Clay Aiken's official fan club site. If the blog uploads, we're in business. Thnx for stopping back by ... again! - Caro
In a news segment on WRAL-TV Wednesday night, Clay Aiken offered insight into what 17-year-old American Idol hopeful Scotty McCreery of Garner can expect during Season 10's final flurry of activities.
During the interview with Jason Deans, Clay recalled finale week activities of 2003, long-standing friendships with fellow contestants, and the strong support the Triangle of North Carolina provides its "Idols."
Five albums, millions of albums sold, a stint on Broadway, and it all started on American Idol ...
Enjoy the interview, as well as screen caps of the telecast by Cotton. You can download all her caps with this Sendspace file. The caps below are clickable.
All the best to Scotty! He's got Clay's vote and the state of North Carolina cheering/dialing for him!
Happy Birthday, Lia!
Scotty is good ,nice of Clay to cheer him on. Hope he does well. James, I hope gets a career, he deserves one! Such talent this yr. fun to watch and see!. Hope Clay is taking care. Thanks for the blog, always enjoy them! Happy Birthday! Caro's g.daughter!! Wi.
Don't watch Idol anymore; just does not interest me; however, I do wish the NC boy lots of luck.
Loved Clay's Durham Bulls appearance and the WRAL interview.
Great blog, Caro! Happy to hear that Clay is pulling for Scotty. He and Lauren are my favorites, though I have been voting for Scotty. He is my number 1 choice. So glad he made through to the next round.
Love the screencaps. Clay looks wonderful! Enjoyed the video, too.
Take care and enjoy your weekend!
Love and hugs, ♥♥
Barbara :-)
Great blog, Caro! Happy to hear that Clay is pulling for Scotty. He and Lauren are my favorites, though I have been voting for Scotty. He is my number 1 choice. So glad he made through to the next round.
Love the screencaps. Clay looks wonderful! Enjoyed the video, too.
Take care and enjoy your weekend!
Love and hugs, ♥♥
Barbara :-)
Haven't been watching Idol anymore, but I'm glad Clay's supporting Scotty. Loved the interview and hearing Clay sing again! Still think he's the best AI has ever had on their show!!
Thanks for another great blog!
What a wonderful video. Clay looks fantastic. I like Scotty and it's sweet that Clay is showing support. Clay's always a good guy and that's why he'll always be my #1 Idol.
Happy Birthday to your little cutie!
Thanks for a great blog. :)
Great interview. I love seeing Clay on TV!
Little Miss Lia looks very comfortable at that grandma maybe?
Great blog and love the Clay interview. He's looking great!
I've been following AI this year and felt sad that James is gone. I really thought he had a shot in making it to the Top 3 & the finals. I thought it was going to be one of the girls, James and Scotty on the Top 3. I was very disappointed.
Happy Birthday to dear and sweet Lia! I love her photo.
Again, many thanks for your great blogs. You always bring us so much joy.
Take care and have a nice weekend.
It was so nice to hear that Clay is throwing his support behind Scotty. As much as I like Scotty though and think he is very sweet and has a great career ahead of him, my favourite was James! To say I was shocked when they announced that he was not in the final three is putting it mildly! I want to believe that the voting on A1 is all done with the highest security surrounding the voting but somehow I do feel that there has to be some "manipulation".
Happy Birthday wishes to your beautiful granddaughter Lia! Where does the time go!
Have a wonderful weekend!
So glad to see that Clay is cheering on Scotty. Love the photos of Clay Caro, he sure looks good. Sorry I lost my train of thought somewhere in those pictures. Great blog Caro and Happy birthday to precious grandbaby, growing up so fast!
Thanks for sharing Caro
I just mentioned to you that I was definitely voting for Scotty on Idol. I love his very country sound.
Hi Caro,
Like so many, I am loving Scotty, but sure wish James had made it into the finals along with Lauren. I am not a big Rock fan, but James was good and has over come so many obsticals (territs and Autism)he will have a great career, I'm sure.
Loved hearing the interview with Clay.
Hope your having a great weekend.
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